Wow. Can’t believe how long it has been since I posted (and now by saying that I’ve just become like most who attempt to blog…returning to it after a hiatus). Seems like only days since November when I last posted, but I guess “CHANGE” has pushed us along leaving little opportunity to look back.
December found us traveling all up and down the West Coast. We began by visiting the Master’s College in Santa Clarita for work then made some family visits in San Diego, Fresno, and San Francisco. By the end of the month we were up in Oregon speaking at a Leadership Retreat for high school and college students. It was a great way to finish out the year…and finish my time serving as Director of Student Mobilization for ABWE.
This year has begun with much excitement as I’ve begun a new venture by joining the staff at our church, LCBC (www.lcbcchurch.com) and oversee the young adult ministries (www.saturateonline.com). Whitney’s doing great as she continues to oversee the student mobilization at ABWE.
But these job changes and the excitement they bring pale in comparison to the excitement we’ve experienced as we await the birth of our daughter. She’s due Feburary 26th, so to find ourselves inside the 10day window is crazy. It’s something that we’ve been waiting for and now just can’t wait to meet her. I surprised Whitney by having a friend of ours come over and do a quick photo shoot to help us capture this special time.
You can check out some preview pictures on his blog http://bit.ly/bl2r6P Keep us in your thoughts and prayers over these next week days. We’ll keep you posted…and hope to have some new pictures of our little daughter up soon!